Surviving Infidelity
Insights on Infidelity from Hillary Clinton's Book by Ruth Houston
Of the various topics discussed in Hillary Clinton's "Living History", the topic that has gained the most attention is the Clinton-Lewinsky affair. Since infidelity now affects 80% of all marriages, it's easy to understand why. The Clinton-Lewinsky affair continues to be a major point of interest because infidelity has reached epidemic proportions. Women with cheating husbands identify with Mrs. Clinton and feel they can learn from her experience."
As author of an infidelity book and former infidelity victim myself, I can attest to the fact that women struggling with issues of infidelity are eager for information that will shed light on how to cope with an extramarital affair.There are nuggets of information on surviving infidelity scattered throughout Hillary Clinton's account of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.
I found at least a dozen insights on infidelity that would be of interest to women whose husbands are having an affair - insights such as: • Infidelity doesn't necessarily have to mean the end of the marriage. • A cheating husband must come clean and own up to his infidelity before the healing process can begin. • Together, the couple must address the underlying issues that may have contributed to the affair. • Both parties must be equally committed to rebuilding the marriage. • Counseling can help the couple come to terms with the affair. • The healing process takes time and both parties must be patient.
Living History" is a surprisingly rich source of information on surviving an affair. Women will find in Hillary Clinton a role model for wives facing similar marital problems. Her candid account of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair answers many of the questions in the public mind, such as : Why didn't Mrs. Clinton leave her husband? What made her decide to stay with him and keep their marriage intact? How did she cope with the emotional trauma? What helped her overcome the pain of betrayal? "Living History" provides an intensely intimate look at one woman's reaction to her husband's affair. By examining the factors that contributed to the survival of the Clinton marriage, perhaps other marriages can be saved.
"Living History" is worthwhile reading for any woman whose husband is engaged in an extramarital affair.© 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.
About the Author
Ruth Houston is the author of "Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs." For more information about her book, cheating husbands or signs of infidelity visit To receive a FREE Infidelity Report which includes a list of 29 Telltale Signs, send an e-mail to with "Infidelity Report" in the subject line.
Surviving Infidelity
A cheating wife, a cheating girlfriend, a cheating husband or a cheating boyfriend, is bad enough, but sometimes the hard part is after the event. this blog, Surviving Infidelity, is here to help.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sign Of A Cheating Spouse
Surviving Infidelity
Article Title: Forgiveness For Committing Adultery Author: Terry Ross
Very few people get through life without having been hurt by a friend, a partner or a member of their family. In fact it is almost impossible to avoid the inevitable thoughtless remark,the misunderstandings, the disregard for people’s feelings andgeneral disagreements, but some things are far harder to recover from than most with infidelity being near the top of the list.
Many of us get hurt by the smaller things, even from the unintentional and forgiveness for such indiscretions isusually quite swift but forgiveness for committing adultery isn’t so easy.
Surviving infidelity is one of the hardest things anyone has to do and the sheer thought of actually offering ‘forgiveness for committing adultery’ is in complete opposition to the hurt andthe pain and the immense hatred of the cheating spouse.
It is so easy to stay angry, to get wound up in those early feelings of betrayal and to hold on to the pain but the easiest way of surviving infidelity is to move on and learning to forgive your partner is a way to heal.
In offering forgiveness for committing adultery your partner’s behaviour can no longer cause you anger, you can let go of the hurt, the pain and the feelings of betrayal and start moving on with your life.
Anger is destructive, an emotion that can eat you up and destroy your life, learning to forgive and let go is a way to help you and not an easy way out for your partner. Forgiveness enables you to let go of all those feelings, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever remember what has happened, won’t remember the pain, it isn’t about the difference between right and wrong or that you are accepting the behaviour of your partner. It’s about healing your self, learning from the experience, dealing with it and in so doing enabling you to move on.
In learning to forgive your partner for committing adultery you are not in any way indicating that your relationship can continue, you are not saying that their behaviour was acceptable and you are not saying that you are prepared to carry on the way things are. In forgiveness for committing adultery comes the ability to make the choice, decide whether you want to try and save your marriage or move on with your life without your cheating spouse. It is often easier not to have to think about the future, about how you are going to recover from infidelity but as time goes by those feelings of hurt and betrayal will become harder to bear.It is easier to try and forget, try and not have to deal with reality but at some point you have to stop, start thinking about the situation, try and see it from your partner’s pointof view, try and understand what happened, why it happened and where you go from here.
Blame is not the answer, you can’t blame your partner or yourself, you have to look beyond the blame, beyond the mixed up emotions and start taking control of your life. Try and understand that we are all human and that we all make mistakes but unfortunately some mistakes are greater than others.
Not everything we do is intentional, some things just happen, notan excuse but a fact. Look at your relationship, think about how things were in the past and decide if it’s worth fighting for.
Look at the positives, remember all the things you used to do together which you enjoyed, would going back to basics, starting again enable you to save your marriage. Consider what part you had to play in the indiscretion, was there a problem with your relationship that neither of you, had tried to, or been able tofix, were things at home just not working well, was there something you could have both done that much better.
Quite often infidelity is as a result of marriage problems, not always but often. Again it is no excuse for the actions of your partner, their responsibilities lay in making you aware of how bad things were and not just jumping into some one else’s bed but it might help you understand why and help you move ever closer to forgiveness ‘for committing adultery’ and start the healing process.
About The Author: For more advice on infidelity and othermarriage problems please visit my websites: Save your Marriagehttp://www.saveyour marriage. marriagehealth. com, Common MarriageProblems http://www.commonma rriageproblems. marriagehealth. com
Surviving Infidelity
Article Title: Forgiveness For Committing Adultery Author: Terry Ross
Very few people get through life without having been hurt by a friend, a partner or a member of their family. In fact it is almost impossible to avoid the inevitable thoughtless remark,the misunderstandings, the disregard for people’s feelings andgeneral disagreements, but some things are far harder to recover from than most with infidelity being near the top of the list.
Many of us get hurt by the smaller things, even from the unintentional and forgiveness for such indiscretions isusually quite swift but forgiveness for committing adultery isn’t so easy.
Surviving infidelity is one of the hardest things anyone has to do and the sheer thought of actually offering ‘forgiveness for committing adultery’ is in complete opposition to the hurt andthe pain and the immense hatred of the cheating spouse.
It is so easy to stay angry, to get wound up in those early feelings of betrayal and to hold on to the pain but the easiest way of surviving infidelity is to move on and learning to forgive your partner is a way to heal.
In offering forgiveness for committing adultery your partner’s behaviour can no longer cause you anger, you can let go of the hurt, the pain and the feelings of betrayal and start moving on with your life.
Anger is destructive, an emotion that can eat you up and destroy your life, learning to forgive and let go is a way to help you and not an easy way out for your partner. Forgiveness enables you to let go of all those feelings, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever remember what has happened, won’t remember the pain, it isn’t about the difference between right and wrong or that you are accepting the behaviour of your partner. It’s about healing your self, learning from the experience, dealing with it and in so doing enabling you to move on.
In learning to forgive your partner for committing adultery you are not in any way indicating that your relationship can continue, you are not saying that their behaviour was acceptable and you are not saying that you are prepared to carry on the way things are. In forgiveness for committing adultery comes the ability to make the choice, decide whether you want to try and save your marriage or move on with your life without your cheating spouse. It is often easier not to have to think about the future, about how you are going to recover from infidelity but as time goes by those feelings of hurt and betrayal will become harder to bear.It is easier to try and forget, try and not have to deal with reality but at some point you have to stop, start thinking about the situation, try and see it from your partner’s pointof view, try and understand what happened, why it happened and where you go from here.
Blame is not the answer, you can’t blame your partner or yourself, you have to look beyond the blame, beyond the mixed up emotions and start taking control of your life. Try and understand that we are all human and that we all make mistakes but unfortunately some mistakes are greater than others.
Not everything we do is intentional, some things just happen, notan excuse but a fact. Look at your relationship, think about how things were in the past and decide if it’s worth fighting for.
Look at the positives, remember all the things you used to do together which you enjoyed, would going back to basics, starting again enable you to save your marriage. Consider what part you had to play in the indiscretion, was there a problem with your relationship that neither of you, had tried to, or been able tofix, were things at home just not working well, was there something you could have both done that much better.
Quite often infidelity is as a result of marriage problems, not always but often. Again it is no excuse for the actions of your partner, their responsibilities lay in making you aware of how bad things were and not just jumping into some one else’s bed but it might help you understand why and help you move ever closer to forgiveness ‘for committing adultery’ and start the healing process.
About The Author: For more advice on infidelity and othermarriage problems please visit my websites: Save your Marriagehttp://www.saveyour marriage. marriagehealth. com, Common MarriageProblems http://www.commonma rriageproblems. marriagehealth. com
Surviving Infidelity
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Cheating Wife
Cheating Wife
Cheating Husband
Article Title: Break Ups - A Fine Line Between Love And Hate Author: Richard MacKenzie
There is a fine line between love and hate. No more is this seen than in the aftermath of a complicated break up or divorce. And if you have ever been unfortunate enough to have experienced this, you will understand exactly what I mean. It seems that when relationship troubles start to surface we try our hardest to make things work. This in actual fact can be catastrophic if the relationship has issues that are being ignored and for want of a better phrase ‘swept under thecarpet’ in the quest for superficial happiness. This type of‘first aid’ seems good for the short term, however if the original issues are not dealt with then this can cause anexplosive end to the relationship.
If you are going through a break up at the moment, then use this time as an opportunity. Think about how you can make your future relationships better, who knows you may even wish to try and rekindle your old one. One way that you can solve many past and present issues is by using Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is great for working on issues like this as it deals directly with thearea of you mind that makes you – YOU!
For years Hypnosis has been widely considered one of the best ways to do things likeStop Smoking, Lose Weight and Manage Stress; however it can nowbe applied to many Relationships issues, such as Jealousy, AngerManagement and Infidelity. Hypnosis can also be used successfully on sexual issues including Impotent, Premature Ejaculation, Improved Female Orgasm and Frigidity including others. In Hypnosis you will become very relaxed, but will remaincompletely aware of what is going on around you.
A lot of people have some very misguided opinions of Hypnosis, whichmakes life interesting for me to say the least. The biggestquestion that I get asked is ‘Does it work?’. This one always makes me laugh! Hypnosis is a science. As a hypnotherapist I spend my life researching what makes people do what they do and also why they feel the way that they feel. I then work with them to find away to change this so that that can do what the WANT to do and feel the way that they WANT to feel. So if you are experiencing troubles in your relationship or youneed some help getting over a break up or divorce, then youshould seriously consider using Hypnosis. The technique is so mainstream now that you can even get instant downloads from the internet to help you with a whole host of issues.
About The Author: Richard MacKenzie is a leading professional in the field of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy -http://www.richardm ackenzie. - He also has a great rangeof Hypnosis Downloads at his sitehttp://www.richardm ackenzie. htm
Cheating Wife
Cheating Husband
Cheating Husband
Article Title: Break Ups - A Fine Line Between Love And Hate Author: Richard MacKenzie
There is a fine line between love and hate. No more is this seen than in the aftermath of a complicated break up or divorce. And if you have ever been unfortunate enough to have experienced this, you will understand exactly what I mean. It seems that when relationship troubles start to surface we try our hardest to make things work. This in actual fact can be catastrophic if the relationship has issues that are being ignored and for want of a better phrase ‘swept under thecarpet’ in the quest for superficial happiness. This type of‘first aid’ seems good for the short term, however if the original issues are not dealt with then this can cause anexplosive end to the relationship.
If you are going through a break up at the moment, then use this time as an opportunity. Think about how you can make your future relationships better, who knows you may even wish to try and rekindle your old one. One way that you can solve many past and present issues is by using Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is great for working on issues like this as it deals directly with thearea of you mind that makes you – YOU!
For years Hypnosis has been widely considered one of the best ways to do things likeStop Smoking, Lose Weight and Manage Stress; however it can nowbe applied to many Relationships issues, such as Jealousy, AngerManagement and Infidelity. Hypnosis can also be used successfully on sexual issues including Impotent, Premature Ejaculation, Improved Female Orgasm and Frigidity including others. In Hypnosis you will become very relaxed, but will remaincompletely aware of what is going on around you.
A lot of people have some very misguided opinions of Hypnosis, whichmakes life interesting for me to say the least. The biggestquestion that I get asked is ‘Does it work?’. This one always makes me laugh! Hypnosis is a science. As a hypnotherapist I spend my life researching what makes people do what they do and also why they feel the way that they feel. I then work with them to find away to change this so that that can do what the WANT to do and feel the way that they WANT to feel. So if you are experiencing troubles in your relationship or youneed some help getting over a break up or divorce, then youshould seriously consider using Hypnosis. The technique is so mainstream now that you can even get instant downloads from the internet to help you with a whole host of issues.
About The Author: Richard MacKenzie is a leading professional in the field of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy -http://www.richardm ackenzie. - He also has a great rangeof Hypnosis Downloads at his sitehttp://www.richardm ackenzie. htm
Cheating Wife
Cheating Husband
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